decentralized Actions
Paris 26 May – Report Occupation Action !
::English::Report Action Occupation Paris 26 May – within the context of the call to decentralized actions against the G8 !
Around 30 activists occupied the building of the rating agency Standard & Poor’s for about 2 hours,
today, Thursday 2011 May, 26th. Some of them are coming from collectives, organizations or trade unions gathering around values such as anticapitalism, self-sufficiency, antifascism, radical feminism, ecology and counter-culture
Meanwhile, a second group of around 100 people – planned to join the action – was arbitrarily and brutally neutralized by the authorities in front of 30 journalists.
Despite this small number of people, we were able to quietly and firmly enter the place. Standard & Poor’s employees declined our cordial invitation to join us in a game of ‘Dominopoly’, denying their role of rogue speculators. Like good little financiers, they preferred to call us utopians, telling us to find a real job rather than disturbing theirs.
Faced with this contemptuous attitude, we happily redecorated the place and redesigned the olfactory atmosphere, in accordance with the nauseating activity of the company. However the hi-tech security of the building stopped us from achieving all the planned actions.
The end of the occupation took place peacefully. We got out without even an ID check. You could count the number of cops on only one hand. This contrasts with the scale of the repression suffered by our comrades, who had only gathered.
We condemn these methods of preventive arrest, once again proving the authoritarism and securitarianism of the French government, definitely under the thumb of financial capitalism.
::Francais:: Report Action Occupation Paris 26 Mai – dans le cadre de l’appel aux actions decentralsié contre le G8 !
Aujourd’hui, jeudi 26 mai 2011, une trentaine de militant-e-s, dont certain-e-s sont issu-e-s de collectifs, d’organisations se retrouvant sur des valeurs telles que l’anti-capitalisme, l’auto-gestion, l’anti-fascisme, le féminisme, l’écologie et la contre-culture radicales, ont occupé le bâtiment de l’agence de notation Standard & Poor’s pendant environ deux heures.
Entre temps, le second groupe prévu pour rejoindre l’action a été neutralisé par les forces de l’ordre de manière arbitraire et brutale sous l’oeil d’une trentaine de médias.
Malgré cet effectif réduit, nous avons pu envahir calmement et fermement les lieux. Les salarié-e-s de Standard & Poor’s, cordialement invités à nous rejoindre pour une partie de Dominopoly, ont décliné, n’assumant pas leur rôle de boursicoteurs véreux. En bons financiers zélés, il-elle-s ont préféré nous targuer d’utopistes, nous sommant de trouver un emploi plutôt que de perturber le leur. Face à cette attitude méprisante, nous avons joyeusement refait la décoration intérieure et repensé l’ambiance olfactive en accord avec l’activité nauséabonde des lieux. Toutefois, le dispositif ultra-sécuritaire du bâtiment ne nous a pas permis de réaliser la totalité des actions prévues.
La fin de l’occupation s’est déroulée dans le calme. Nous sommes sorti-e-s sans même un contrôle d’identité, les flics se comptant sur les doigts d’une main. Ceci dénote avec l’ampleur de la répression subie par nos camarades à peine rassemblés.
Nous condamnons ces méthodes d’arrestation préventive prouvant à nouveau le caractère autoritaire et sécuritaire de l’Etat policier français, à la botte du capitalisme financier.
Paris – Occupation of Standard & Poor’s against the G8

Press release english: THE G8 IS EVERYWHERE, SO ARE WE ! Occupation of Standard & Poor’s against the G8 Thursday, May 26, the activists occupy Standard & Poor’s While the financial crisis hits a nearly bancrupt Europe, things have yet to change. The problem remains the same: Faced with private financial crisis, the only proposed solution is a policy of public austerity. It ensures that the cost of economic irresponsibility is assumed by the majority of the population, including the most vulnerable. Globalizing austerity for the people, expanding the playground of multinationals, thus the project of the G8 and…
G8 is everywhere, so are we!

G8 is everywhere, so are we! International call for decentralized actions on 26 and 27 May 2011 Deauville and Cannes are casino-cities in which the scammers of the G8 \ G20 will decide on the wealth and poverty of humanity. But this time we won’t be attending the party. Because it’s not just there, it’s everywhere we’re confronted with facades or images that glorify the capitalist arrogance. Profits from the premade crisis are shamelessely shown despite their systematic use for delinquency and social control